One of Bay Area’s last roller skating rinks set to close – SF Gate - Sports Rack

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

One of Bay Area’s last roller skating rinks set to close – SF Gate


One of the last remaining Bay Area haunts where you can “shoot the duck” under a disco ball is closing.

The Golden Skate in San Ramon announced in October that it’s shutting down after decades in business. 

Owner Hassan Sharifi wrote in a letter that the roller skating rink suffered “enormous financial damages” that have made the continued operation of the business infeasible.

Sharifi purchased the roller skating rink in 1995 when it was on the verge of closing, and he said he spent years reviving it. As one of the largest roller rinks within hundreds of miles, skaters from all over Northern California came to the Golden Skate to race around the full-size wooden rink in a retro setting. 

“The Golden Skate has become the most diverse multicultural, multiracial and multigenerational sport entertainment in the area,” Sharifi wrote. “We are aware that the closure of the rink will affect many of our avid skaters and we will do our best to allow our beloved customers to say their farewells.”

Sharfi added: “My staff has always been my biggest asset, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and work with so many wonderful people over the years. My hope is that the memories created over the decades of the Golden Skate will live on and will be cherished by those who have visited us.”

The Bay Area has seen several roller rinks that thrived in the 1970s and ’80s close over the years. San Jose Skate shuttered in 2014 and Cal Skate of Milpitas in 2011.

A Northern California resident mourned the latest closure, the Golden State, on Facebook

“So sad to see such a fun family friendly place close down,” the message read. “Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication over the years to keep it going. When we moved about an hour away several years ago we started going to the Ripon rink and when that closed 3 years ago it broke my kids hearts. Within the past 3 years we have seen Ripon, Chico, Woodland and Huntington Beach all close down. I will be sure to take my boys to your rink at least one more time before you close its doors. Thank you for creating life long memories for my family and for so many families.”

The Golden Skate doesn’t yet have an official closing date and said on Facebook that it will be open throughout the holiday season.

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